
Showing posts from January, 2021

Probate In India: Definition, Importance & Application

  Probate In India: Definition, Importance & Application                        @1                        A will  is a document that is drawn by a person with clear instructions as to how his/her assets are to be distributed on their death. In certain situations — and only in certain jurisdictions, such as Mumbai, Kolkota and Chennai — the executor of the will may need to apply for a probate in order to legalise it. This article will discuss, in detail, what a probate is, when one is needed in India, what the court fees are, and how it can be obtained. @2 What is a Probate? The Indian Succession Act, 1925 decrees that a probate is official proof of a will. A probate is issued to the executor, or the person who is authorized to implement or execute the will and thereby adds a legal character to the will. A probate, as defined in the India Sucessession Act, 1925, is ‘A copy of will certified under the seal of a court of competent jurisdiction with grant of administration of the

Probate In India: Definition, Importance & Application---- What is a Probate?

  Probate In India: Definition, Importance & Application---- What is a Probate? The Indian Succession Act, 1925 decrees that a probate is official proof of a will. A probate is issued to the executor, or the person who is authorized to implement or execute the will and thereby adds a legal character to the will. A probate, as defined in the India Succession Act, 1925, is ‘A copy of will certified under the seal of a court of competent jurisdiction with grant of administration of the estate of testator’. Probates are issued to the executors of the will, to authorize them with a seal of approval from the court. In case there are no executors of the will, only a simple letter of administration is issued by the court, and not a probate. When a probate is applied for, and the will is proved, the original copy is retained by the court, which provides the executor with a certificate proving that it is genuine (the probate) and a copy of th